
We recommend that you open the html slides with Google Chrome web browser.

  1. Getting started
  2. Grammar of Graphics
  3. Multiple layers, facetting and tidying your data
  4. Scales and color
  5. Publication-ready plots


Time Activity
8.45-9.00 Registration + Installation Help
9.00-9.30 Lesson 1: Getting started with grammar of graphics
9.30-9.45 Break out session
9.45-10.15 Lesson 2: Multiple layers, facetting and tidying your data
10.15-10.30 Break out session
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.30 Lesson 3: Scales and color
11.30-11.45 Break out session
11.45-12.15 Lesson 4: Publication-ready plots
12.15-12.30 Break out session


Before getting started, you will need to install the following R-packages:

install.packages(c( 'tidyverse',
  1. Mastering the geoms Rmd html solution Rmd html solution

  2. Taming data and multiples Rmd html solution Rmd html solution

  3. Playing with scales and color Rmd html solution Rmd html solution

  4. Jazzy plots Rmd html solution Rmd html solution