
Upcoming talks

Upcoming workshops

Recent Publications

  • Tanaka (2023) edibble: An R package to encapsulate elements of experimental designs for better planning, management and workflow
  • Tanaka (2023) Towards a unified language in experimental designs propagated by a software framework
  • Statistical Society of Australia Victorian Branch Annual Report 2022
  • Tanaka (2022) Getting the most out of your experimental data with design. Biometric Bulletin 39 (4)
  • Tanaka & Amaliah (2022) Current state and prospects of R-packages for the design of experiments
  • Tanaka, Leung & Cook (2022) Commentary on “Visualization in Operations Management Research”: Incorporating Statistical Thinking into Visualization Practices for Decision Making in Operational Management. INFORMS Journal on Data Science

Latest talks

You can watch some of my latest talks from below:

  • The genesis of experimentation (organised by Paul Murrell as part of Ihaka Lecture Series)
  • An anthology of experimental designs (organised by Rohan Alexander as part of Toronto Data Workshop)
  • Constructing experimental designs with the edibble R-package (organised by Fazel Almasi with funding from Intellectual Climate Fund La Trobe University)
  • Visualising experimental designs with the edibble and deggust R-packages (organised by Fazel Almasi with funding from Intellectual Climate Fund La Trobe University)

Hex stickers

I have now hex stickers for the edibble and deggust R packages. If you see me in-person, feel free to ask for it!