Type | 3 mins | 10 mins | 30 mins | 60 mins |
Informal meeting | ||||
Lightning talk | ||||
Seminar | ||||
Sales pitch | ||||
Lecture | ✓ |
Other |
Lecturer: Emi Tanaka
Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Schwabish (2017) Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks
Aim for the hourglass structure!
Type | 3 mins | 10 mins | 30 mins | 60 mins |
Informal meeting | ||||
Lightning talk | ||||
Seminar | ||||
Sales pitch | ||||
Lecture | ✓ |
Other |
Plan, Plan, Plan
Cognitive Load Theory (John Sweller)
We can only absorb so much information at a time.
Embrace empty spaces in your slides!
Learning Principles (Richard Mayer)
Collecting and completing the official Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album will cost fans an average of about £870.
Panini, which first produced a World Cup sticker album for the 1970 tournament in Mexico, has priced five-sticker packs for the Qatar 2022 album at 90p each. That is a 12.5% increase on the 80p cost of a five-sticker pack for the Russia 2018 album. For Euro 2016 a pack cost 50p.
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now £870.
Inflation increases cost of World Cup sticker
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now £870.
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now £870.
1 Tell the truth
2 Get to the point
3 Highlight what’s important
4 Keep it simple
The message should be effectively processed in 3 seconds
Don’t take it as an absolute rule!
pagetitle: "ETC5523: Communicating with Data"
subtitle: "Captivating statistical presentations"
author: "Emi Tanaka"
email: "emi.tanaka@monash.edu"
date: "Week 7"
department: "Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics"
unit-url: "cwd.numbat.space"
footer: "ETC5523 Week 7"
slide-number: c
transition: convex
width: 1280
height: 720
logo: images/monash-one-line-black-rgb.png
theme: assets/monash.scss
css: [assets/tachyons-addon.css, assets/custom.css]
include-after-body: "assets/after-body.html"
echo: false
```{r, include = FALSE}
current_file <- knitr::current_input()
basename <- gsub(".[Rq]md$", "", current_file)
fig.path = sprintf("images/%s/", basename),
fig.width = 6,
fig.height = 4,
fig.align = "center",
out.width = "100%",
fig.retina = 3,
warning = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
cache = TRUE,
cache.path = "cache/"
## <br>[`r rmarkdown::metadata$pagetitle`]{.monash-blue} {#etc5523-title background-image="images/bg-01.png"}
### `r rmarkdown::metadata$subtitle`
Lecturer: *`r rmarkdown::metadata$author`*
`r rmarkdown::metadata$department`
::: tl
<ul class="fa-ul">
[<i class="fas fa-envelope"></i>]{.fa-li}`r rmarkdown::metadata$email`
[<i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i>]{.fa-li} `r rmarkdown::metadata$date`
[<i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i>]{.fa-li}<a href="`r rmarkdown::metadata[["unit-url"]]`">`r rmarkdown::metadata[["unit-url"]]`</a>
## {#aim}
::: {.callout-important }
## Aim
::: incremental
* Apply cognitive principles for better presentation slides
* (Re)structure and (re)design presentation slides to effectively communicate information in the data
* Develop slides with Quarto revealjs
. . .
::: {.callout-tip }
## Why
::: incremental
* After data analysis, you have to market the results or persuade others to take action because of the results.
* We are focussing on slides as visual and voice is better to communicate data than voice alone.
* We focus on using reveal.js (through Quarto) to create slides as it is easier medium to use if you have many data results or code to show.
# Structure {background-color=#006DAE}
::: {.monash-gray10 .f4 .footnote}
Schwabish (2017) Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks
## Typical Structure for Reports or Articles
<img src="images/lecture-07/paper-pyramid.svg">
## Typical Structure for Journalism
<img src="images/lecture-07/journalism-pyramid.svg">
## For Presentations
<img src="images/lecture-07/presentation-hourglass.svg">
[Aim for the [hourglass structure]{.monash-blue}!]{.f1}
# Planning {background-color=#006DAE}
## Type and length of presentation?
expand.grid(Type = c("Informal meeting",
"Lightning talk",
"Sales pitch",
length = c("3 mins",
"10 mins",
"30 mins",
"60 mins")) %>%
mutate(val = ifelse(Type=="Lecture" & length=="60 mins",
"<div style='border:3px solid black;width:100%;height:100%;'>✓</div>", " ")) %>%
names_from = length,
values_from = val) %>%
knitr::kable(align = "lcccc", escape = FALSE) %>%
column_spec(5, background = "#D93F00") %>%
row_spec(5, background="#D93F00") %>%
column_spec(1, background = "white") %>%
row_spec(6, background="white")
## Who is your audience?
* Colleagues or peers
* Managers
* Technical professionals
* Salespeople
* Students
* Policymaker
* Journalist
* Public
## 💡 Create ideas, not slides!
::: incremental
* 🪄 Start with content instead of fussing over with slides
* 🪧 What do you want audience to take away or take action on?
* 📘 What stories can you tell?
* ✨ What headline is specific, memorable and concisely describes your talk?
. . .
::: {.center .f1}
Plan[, Plan]{.fragment}[, Plan]{.fragment}
# Applying [Cognitive Psychology]{.monash-gray10} to Presentations {background="#006DAE"}
## Keep it simple
. . .
::: callout-note
## Cognitive Load Theory (John Sweller)
We can only absorb so much information at a time.
. . .
Embrace [empty spaces]{.f-headline} in your slides!
## Be audience-centered
::: incremental
* Don't make your audience captives and waste their time away <i class="fa-solid fa-handcuffs"></i>
* Gift your audience knowledge and/or joy <i class="fa-solid fa-face-smile"></i>
. . .
::: callout-note
## Learning Principles (Richard Mayer)
::: incremental
1. [**Multimedia Principle**]{.monash-blue2}: people learn better from words and pictures than words alone.
2. [**Contiguity Principle**]{.monash-green2}: integrating text and visuals can lead to more learning.
3. [**Coherence Principle**]{.monash-orange2}: superfluous elements irrelevant to the teaching goal can disrupt and interfere with learning.
## {}
::: {.center .monash-bg-blue style="height:30%;width:100%;vertical-align: middle;"}
::: {.vcenter .f-headline .monash-white}
::: {.center .monash-bg-green2 .fragment style="height:30%;width:100%;vertical-align: middle; "}
::: {.vcenter .f-headline .monash-white}
::: {.center .monash-bg-orange2 .fragment style="height:30%;width:100%;vertical-align: middle;"}
::: {.vcenter .f-headline .monash-white}
## Color
::: incremental
* [**Visualise**.]{.monash-blue} Color matters so select carefully and strategically.
* [**Unify**.]{.monash-green2} Be consistent with color use throughout the presentation.
* [**Focus**.]{.monash-orange2} use color to draw your audience's attention to specific parts of your slides
::: flex
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
## Type
::: incremental
* [**Visualise**.]{.monash-blue} Consider choices for text carefully.
* [**Unify**.]{.monash-green2} Be consistent with your use of type, e.g. use only 1-2 fonts for slides.
* [**Focus**.]{.monash-orange2} Use large text sizes. Minimum font size of 28 points is recommended.
::: flex
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
{.ba width="30%" .pa3 .fragment}
## Text Slides
::: incremental
* [**Visualise**.]{.monash-blue} When possible, convert text to visuals.
* [**Unify**.]{.monash-green2} Maintain consistency across presentation using similar layouts and structure.
* [**Focus**.]{.monash-orange2} Use hierarchy and layering technique to direct audience's attention.
## Data Visualisation Slides
::: incremental
* [**Visualise**.]{.monash-blue} Make use of preattentive processing and other cognitive principles to make it easier for the audience to absorb the information in the data.
* [**Unify**.]{.monash-green2} Link text and visuals, e.g. legends directly in graphs.
* [**Focus**.]{.monash-orange2} Remove or minimise non-essential elements.
## Image Slides
::: incremental
* [**Visualise**.]{.monash-blue} Use large, high resolution images that fill entire slide.
* [**Unify**.]{.monash-green2} Be consistent in image use across slides.
* [**Focus**.]{.monash-orange2} Link text and images to draw audience's attention.
## Panini World Cup sticker album
Collecting and completing the official Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album will cost fans an average of about £870.
Panini, which first produced a World Cup sticker album for the 1970 tournament in Mexico, has priced five-sticker packs for the Qatar 2022 album at 90p each. That is a 12.5% increase on the 80p cost of a five-sticker pack for the Russia 2018 album. For Euro 2016 a pack cost 50p.
<img src="images/lecture-07/panini.png" style="float:right" height="250px">
::: aside
Original story and image from [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/31/inflation-pushes-average-cost-of-filling-panini-2022-world-cup-sticker-album-to-870-pounds-football).
## Inflation increases cost of World Cup sticker
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now £870.
<img src="images/lecture-07/panini.png" style="float:right" height="250px">
```{r inflation, fig.height = 3, fig.width = 4, out.width="50%"}
#| echo: false
tibble(fifa = c("2016 Euro", "2018 Russia", "2022 Qatar"),
cost = c(50, 80, 90)) %>%
ggplot(aes(fifa, cost)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(group = 1)) +
labs(x = "Fifa World Cup", y = "Cost of a sticker pack (p)")
::: aside
Original story and image from [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/31/inflation-pushes-average-cost-of-filling-panini-2022-world-cup-sticker-album-to-870-pounds-football).
## {background-image="images/lecture-07/panini.png"}
::: {.monash-bg-white .pa3 style="opacity:0.85;" .w-80}
[**Inflation increases cost of World Cup sticker**]{.f1}
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now **£870**.
```{r inflation, fig.height = 2.5, fig.width = 4, out.width="50%"}
::: {.aside }
[Original story and image from [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/31/inflation-pushes-average-cost-of-filling-panini-2022-world-cup-sticker-album-to-870-pounds-football).]{.monash-white .monash-bg-black style="opacity:0.65" .pa3}
## Inflation increases cost of World Cup sticker
Average cost of completing Panini Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 album is now **£870**.
<img src="images/lecture-07/fifa.jpg" class="absolute right-0 bottom-0" height="400px">
```{r inflation2, fig.height = 2.5, fig.width = 4, out.width="50%", fig.align='left'}
#| echo: false
tibble(fifa = c("2016 Euro", "2018 Russia", "2022 Qatar"),
cost = c(50, 80, 90)) %>%
ggplot(aes(fifa, cost)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(group = 1)) +
labs(x = "Fifa World Cup", y = "Cost of a sticker pack (p)") +
theme_classic() +
geom_text(data = ~filter(.x, cost==90),
aes(label = "90p"), nudge_x = 0.2)
::: {.aside }
Original story from [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/31/inflation-pushes-average-cost-of-filling-panini-2022-world-cup-sticker-album-to-870-pounds-football) and image from eBay.
## Data Slides
::: incremental
* Data slides are not about the data but the **meaning of the data**
* **Avoid decorating data**
* **Articulate the conclusions** you want your audience to adopt
. . .
[1]{style="border-radius:50%;background:#006DAE;color:white;width:1.2em;height:1.2em;display:inline-block;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding-bottom:3px;"} Tell the truth
. . .
[2]{style="border-radius:50%;background:#006DAE;color:white;width:1.2em;height:1.2em;display:inline-block;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding-bottom:3px;"} Get to the point
. . .
[3]{style="border-radius:50%;background:#006DAE;color:white;width:1.2em;height:1.2em;display:inline-block;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding-bottom:3px;"} Highlight what's important
. . .
[4]{style="border-radius:50%;background:#006DAE;color:white;width:1.2em;height:1.2em;display:inline-block;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;padding-bottom:3px;"} Keep it simple
# The 3-second rule
The message should be effectively processed in 3 seconds
. . .
[Don't take it as an absolute rule!]{.monash-red2}
# The technical nitty gritty {background="#006DAE"}
## Technical set-ups and tools
::: incremental
* Aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9)
* Adaptors (HDMI, VGA, DVI, etc)
* USB Drive
* Sound
* Other
## Presentation Software Tools
::: incremental
* Powerpoint (Microsoft) or Keynote (Apple)
* Canva
* Google Slides
* Beamer (LaTeX)
* [Reveal.js](https://revealjs.com/) (HTML)
- [via online editor](https://slides.com/)
- [via Quarto](https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/)
# Reveal.js with Quarto {background="#006DAE"}
## These slides are made with reveal.js via Quarto!
::: flex
::: w-50
```{r, comment = ""}
cat(readLines("lecture-07.qmd"), sep = "\n")
::: fragment
All lecture slides Qmd files are [here](https://github.com/numbats/cwd/tree/master/lectures).
::: {.w-50 .pl3}
<iframe src="lecture-07.html" width="100%" height="350px"></iframe>
## Reveal.js with Quarto
::: incremental
* ... is just markdown with some special syntax
* E.g. starting with first or second level header (`#` or `##`) or `---` starts a new slide.
## Week 7 Lesson
::: callout-important
## Summary
* We looked at some cogntive principles for better presentation slides
* We reviewed some slide structure and design to make communication more effective
* We looked at how to develop slides using Quarto revealjs
## Week 7 Lesson
::: callout-tip
## Resources
Note: the books below are freely available online via Monash Library.
* [Better Presentations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks by Jonathan Schwabish](https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/monash/detail.action?docID=4723060&pq-origsite=primo)
* [The Craft of Scientific Presentations by Michael Alley](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4419-8279-7)
* [slide:ology by Nancy Duarte](https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/monash/detail.action?docID=540362)<sup>*</sup>
Note: the book below is not available on Monash library.
* Presentation zen: simple idea on presentation design and delivery by Garr Reynolds<sup>*</sup>
[<sup>*</sup> These books are made more for corporate presentations and some advice are not suitable for technical presentations.]{.f4}
All lecture slides Qmd files are here.
or ##
) or ---
starts a new slide.:::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="40%"}
Left column
::: {.column width="60%"}
Right column
Note: the books below are freely available online via Monash Library.
Note: the book below is not available on Monash library.
* These books are made more for corporate presentations and some advice are not suitable for technical presentations.
ETC5523 Week 7