class: split-60 title-slide2 with-border white background-image: url("images/bg3.jpg") background-size: cover .column.shade_main[.content[ <br><br> # Statistical Methods for Omics Assisted Breeding ## <b style='color:#FFEB3B'>Factor Analytic Model</b> ### <br>Emi Tanaka <br> <br>School of Mathematics and Statisitcs ### 2018/11/14 <br> ### <span style='font-size:14pt; color:pink!important'>These slides may take a while to render properly. You can find the pdf <a href="">here</a>.</span> <br><br> ### <a rel='license' href=''><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:30pt' src='images/cc.svg' /><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:20pt' src='images/by.svg' /><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:20pt' src='images/sa.svg' /></a><span style='font-size:10pt'> This work by <span xmlns:cc='' property='cc:attributionName'>Emi Tanaka</span> is licensed under a <a rel='license' href=''>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</span> ]] .column[.content[ ]] <img src="images/USydLogo-white.svg" style="position:absolute; top:80%; left:40%;width:200px"> --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ # .font_large[Theory] ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # MET Model We saw before that we can fit a model that borrows strength across sites for a more *accurate prediction* of genotype by site effects: ```r fit2 <- asreml(Yield ~ Site, random=~ us(Site):id(Geno), data=data1) ``` <center> <img src="images/assum2v2.png" width="50%"> </center> ]][.content[ ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # The general MET Model Assume that there are .indigo[*m* genotypes] across .indigo[*t* sites] (not all genotypes appear in each site). We can write the model more generally as <img src="images/model2.png" width="100%"/> where we assume a separable variance structure for genotype-by-environment effects: <center> <img src="images/ugxe.png" width="50%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * **G**<sub>e</sub> may be assumed a general matrix such as unstructured matrix that is usually estimated from the data. * **G**<sub>g</sub> is a known genotype relationship matrix. ]] --- class: split-60 with-border .column[.content[ # Unstructured Covariance Model <br> <iframe src="html_extras/table5.html" width="100%" height="500!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ * The number of parameters to be estimated grows .yellow[quadratically] with the number of trials so it quickly becomes too many parameters to estimate. * Recall covariances are symmetric so there is no need to estimate the parameters in the upper (or lower) triangle of covariance matrices. <center> <img src="images/usmodel.png" width="60%"/> </center> ]] --- class: split-60 with-border .column[.content[ # Factor Analytic Model For some .indigo[order *k*], you can replace the unstructured covariance with factor analytic form: <br> <center> <img src="images/famodel.png" width="70%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * Due to identifiability, some contraints are applied to the loading matrix. * `asreml` constrains such that the upper triangle of the loading matrix are zeroes. <center> <img src="images/faconstraint.png" width="80%"/> </center> * So in effect there are <br> *(k + 1) t - k (k - 1) / 2* <br> parameters to estimate. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # The number of variance parameters to estimate <iframe src="html_extras/table7.html" width="100%" height="500!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ * The number of variance parameters to estimate for FA model grows .yellow[linearly] with the number of trials. * FA model can be considered a .yellow[lower order approximation] to the US model. * As FA model is to offer a simpler model then it does not make sense to have more parameters to estimate in FA model than the US model. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Condition to use FA model over US model <center> <img src="images/numpar.png" width="70%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * *Trial*, *site* and *environment* are used synonymously. * We expect that *t > k*. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Latent Variable Model <br> <center> <img src="images/famodelassum.png" width="80%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * FA Model is a special case of latent variable model when the responses are conditionally normally distributed. * Note: our FA model is different to the standard FA model due to the separable structure of **G**<sub>ge</sub>. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Latent Variable Model <br> <center> <img src="images/famodelassum2.png" width="80%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * Notice that this is like a linear regression model except the covariates are estimated from the data. * The loadings represent some latent environmental covariate. * The common factor represent how the genotype responds to that covariate. * The specific factor represent an effect specific to that environment. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # How to choose the order, *k*, of FA model? 1. Pragmatically, you can use some threshold for overall percentage of between genetic variances explained by the *k* factors: <center> <img src="images/percfa.png" width="45%"/> </center> 2. You can use a hypothesis testing approach or use of information criterion. 3. You can use OFAL penalty proposed in Hui et al. (2018). .bottom_abs.width100.font_small[ Hui et al. (2018) Order Selection and Sparsity in Latent Variable Models via the Ordered Factor LASSO. *Biometrics* ] ]][.content[ * The first approach is akin to using coefficient of determination *R<sup>2</sup>* in linear regression. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Non-uniqueness of factor loadings * Suppose that we have an orthogonal matrix **Q** of size *t*. * If we do not impose some constraint as per slide 5, then there are many possible solutions for factor loadings. * In fact, the rotated loadings <img src="images/QLam.png" height="24pt"/> and factor <img src="images/Qf.png" height="36pt"/> are also solutions. So what to do? * Many solutions. The approach we use in the practical session, we use an approach similar to principal components, in that: - the first rotated factor accounts for the maximum amount of estimated genetic covariance, - the second accounts for the next largest amount of estimated genetic covariance and so on. ]][.content[ * A square matrix **Q** of size *t* is orthogonal if <center> <img src="images/orthogonal.png" width="50%"/> </center> * If *k=1*, then there is no constraint applied and no rotation is necessary. Steps: 1. Constrain upper triangle of loading matrix to zero. 2. Rotate the estimated loading matrix. ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ .split-30[ .row[.content[ # How is this different principal component analysis? Good question! The two are the same under certain case in fact (can you tell when?). ]] .row[.content[ .split-two[ .column[.content[ * Principal component analysis (PCA) is a transformation of the data. * PCA transforms the variables to principal components. ]] .column[.content[ * Factor analytic model assumes that the data comes from a well-defined model where the underlying factors satisfy assumptions mentioned before. * The emphasis in factor analysis is that the factors map to the variables but specific factors are explicitly assumed to be "noise". ]] ] ]] ] ]][.content[ ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Between environment genetic correlation matrix <center> <img src="images/cov2cor.png" width="70%"/> </center> ]][.content[ * Negative genetic correlation estimate indicate cross-over interaction. * Positive genetic correlation estimate indicate noncross-over interaction. * Estimating the between environment genetic covariance is dependent on the number of varieties in common between trials (which we refer to as *connectivity*). ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Notes on FA model * If trials are completely disconnected then between environment genetic covariance cannot be reliably computed. * The genetic regression residuals represent non-repeatable variety effects for the given the model and set of environments. ### What set of trials for MET analysis? * You would want a representative sample of environments, both in a geographic and seasonal sense, a relevant set of varieties and reasonable connectivity between pairs of trials. ]][.content[ ]] --- class: bg-main1 split-30 hide-slide-number[ ] .column.slide-in-right[[ # .font_large[Practice] ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ # Example: CAIGE 2017 MET Bread Wheat Yield Trials ```r caige <- read.csv("tutorials/CAIGE2017.csv") %>% # change to your relative path mutate(Row=factor(Row), Column=factor(Column), Year=factor(Year)) skimr::skim(caige) ``` ``` Skim summary statistics n obs: 2484 n variables: 6 ── Variable type:factor ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── variable missing complete n n_unique ordered Column 0 2484 2484 24 FALSE Geno 0 2484 2484 235 FALSE Row 0 2484 2484 32 FALSE Trial 0 2484 2484 7 FALSE Year 0 2484 2484 1 FALSE ── Variable type:numeric ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── variable missing complete n mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 Yield 3 2481 2484 3.77 1.58 0.51 2.41 3.73 4.82 8.68 hist ▁▇▆▇▆▂▂▁ ``` ]][.content[ .width100.font_small[ Source: [CIMMYT Australia ICARDA Germplasm Evaluation (CAIGE) Project](<br><br><br><br><br><br> [Shiny App to explore the CAIGE data]( <br><br><br><br><br><br> Yield is measured in tonnes per hectre. ] ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ .split-30[ .row[.content[ # Exploratory Data Analysis: Yield ```r gg <- desplot(Yield ~ Column + Row | Trial, data=caige, main="", gg=T) + theme_bw() plotly::ggplotly(gg) ``` ]] .row[ .split-two[ .column[ <iframe src="plotly1.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="yes" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ][ <!-- --> ] ]]] ]][.content.font_small[ Get to know your data well before modelling. <br><br><br><br> Check for outliers and follow up with the data manager. <br><br><br><br> For this, we will assume the data is well behaved and there are no outliers to keep it simple, but of course, in practice that should not be the case. ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ # EDA: Genotype Replication per Trial ```r tt <- table(caige$Geno, caige$Trial) head(tt, 2) ``` ``` Balaklava Horsham Junee Narrabri Northstar Roseworthy Toodyay G1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 G10 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 ``` ```r prep <- function(x) 100 * round(prop.table(table(factor(x, levels=1:3))), 3) apply(tt, 2, prep) ``` ``` Balaklava Horsham Junee Narrabri Northstar Roseworthy Toodyay 1 44.1 48.4 32.8 21.4 38.9 35.9 44.8 2 54.0 51.6 66.8 77.8 59.3 64.1 55.2 3 1.9 0.0 0.4 0.9 1.8 0.0 0.0 ``` ]][.content.font_small[ The trials employ a partially replicated design. <br><br><br><br> Most genotype is replicated 1-2 times at each trial with small portion replicated 3 times. ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ # EDA: Genotype Concurrence Matrix ```r tt <- tt > 0 conc <- t(tt) %*% tt conc ``` ``` Balaklava Horsham Junee Narrabri Northstar Roseworthy Toodyay Balaklava 213 190 213 213 213 213 201 Horsham 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 Junee 213 190 229 229 221 229 201 Narrabri 213 190 229 234 221 233 201 Northstar 213 190 221 221 221 221 201 Roseworthy 213 190 229 233 221 234 201 Toodyay 201 190 201 201 201 201 201 ``` Sometimes simply referred to as "connectivity". ]][.content.font_small[ ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # EDA: Genotype Concurrence Matrix (Prettier) <!-- --> ]][.content.font_sm80[ * Diagonal entries show the number of genotypes at the corresponding trial. * Off diagonal entries show the number of genotypes common between the trials shown in the row and column labels. * The connectivity between all pairs of trial is good so we should not have much problem estimating the genetic covariance between trials. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: DIAG model ```r fit_diag <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, trace=F, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + diag(Trial):Geno, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row)) fit_diag <- update(fit_diag) vc_diag <- lucid::vc(fit_diag) %>% rename(Gamma=effect) ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table8.html" width="100%" height="300!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ * In the first instance, we will normally do spatial modelling however we have not here and assume that the addition of random `Row` and random `Column` effects along with separable autoregressive process of order one are sufficient. * `Balaklava`, `Roseworthy` and `Toodyay` exhibit concerns with low heritability. There could be more done (e.g. discussing with trial managers and experts) to address this point before proceeding with the FA model. * For simplicity, we shall assume there is no concern and proceed on. ]] --- class: split-80 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: Initialising the FA1 model * Recall bad starting values in Newton-Raphson can make convergence go stray. * When fitting complex model, we will build it up from simpler ones using the fit of the simpler models as initial values for complex ones. ```r sv_fa1 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + * fa(Trial, 1):Geno, start.values=T, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row)) # replacing some initial values from the DIAG model sv_fa1$gammas.table <- sv_fa1$gammas.table %>% left_join(vc_diag, by="Gamma") %>% mutate(Value=ifelse(!, component, Value)) %>% select(Gamma, Value, Constraint) ``` ]][.content[ * This step is not absolutely critical but can be helpful in particular with larger data, as starting from a value closer to the solution, there is likely less iteration needed. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: FA1 model ```r fit_fa1 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, trace=F, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + fa(Trial,1 ):Geno, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row), G.param=sv_fa1$gammas.table, R.param=sv_fa1$gammas.table) vc_fa1 <- lucid::vc(fit_fa1) %>% rename(Gamma=effect) %>% mutate(Gamma=as.character(Gamma)) ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table9.html" width="100%" height="300!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ ### Percentage between genetic variance explained ```r sum_fa1 <- myf::summary.fa(fit_fa1) sum_fa1$gammas[[1]]$`site %vaf` ``` ``` fac_1 Balaklava 51.67980 Horsham 74.87380 Junee 70.12005 Narrabri 58.74877 Northstar 11.26292 Roseworthy 17.74837 Toodyay 55.19469 ``` ```r sum_fa1$gammas[[1]]$`total %vaf` ``` ``` [1] 52.26278 ``` ]] --- class: split-80 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: initialising FA2 model ```r sv_fa2 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + * fa(Trial, 2):Geno, start.values=T, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row)) # need to change fa(Trial, 1) to fa(Trial, 2) # so it will match up vc_fa1 <- vc_fa1 %>% mutate( Gamma=ifelse( grepl("fa(Trial, 1)", Gamma, fixed=T), gsub("fa(Trial, 1)", "fa(Trial, 2)", Gamma, fixed=T), Gamma)) # replacing some initial values from the FA1 model sv_fa2$gammas.table <- sv_fa2$gammas.table %>% left_join(vc_fa1, by="Gamma") %>% mutate(Value=ifelse(!, component, Value)) %>% select(Gamma, Value, Constraint) ``` ]][.content.font_sm80[ * As the first factor only explained 52% of the overall between trial genetic variance, we proceed to increase the order of the FA model. * The threshold is arbitrary but you may use .yellow[80%]. * Recall for 7 trials, the .yellow[maximum order of the FA model] we allow for .yellow[is 3]. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: FA2 model ```r fit_fa2 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, trace=F, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + fa(Trial, 2):Geno, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row), G.param=sv_fa2$gammas.table, R.param=sv_fa2$gammas.table) fit_fa2 <- update(fit_fa2) vc_fa2 <- lucid::vc(fit_fa2) %>% rename(Gamma=effect) %>% mutate(Gamma=as.character(Gamma)) ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table10.html" width="100%" height="300!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ ### Percentage between genetic variance explained ```r sum_fa2 <- myf::summary.fa(fit_fa2) sum_fa2$gammas[[1]]$`site %vaf` ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table11.html" width="100%" height="200!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ```r sum_fa2$gammas[[1]]$`total %vaf` ``` ``` [1] 64.3899 ``` ]] --- class: split-80 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: initialising FA3 model ```r sv_fa3 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + * fa(Trial, 3):Geno, start.values=T, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row)) # need to change fa(Trial, 2) to fa(Trial, 3) # so it will match up vc_fa2 <- vc_fa2 %>% mutate( Gamma=ifelse( grepl("fa(Trial, 2)", Gamma, fixed=T), gsub("fa(Trial, 2)", "fa(Trial, 3)", Gamma, fixed=T), Gamma)) # replacing some initial values from the FA1 model sv_fa3$gammas.table <- sv_fa3$gammas.table %>% left_join(vc_fa2, by="Gamma") %>% mutate(Value=ifelse(!, component, Value)) %>% select(Gamma, Value, Constraint) ``` ]][.content.font_sm80[ * The two factors explain 64% of the overall between trial genetic variance. * We increase the order of the FA model to the final possible one. * My coding is quite clumsy for such a repetitive task. I recommend you make into a function for many repetitive task such as this. ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Modelling: FA3 model ```r fit_fa3 <- asreml(Yield ~ Trial, data=caige, trace=F, random=~at(Trial):Row + at(Trial):Column + fa(Trial, 3):Geno, rcov=~at(Trial):ar1(Column):ar1(Row), G.param=sv_fa3$gammas.table, R.param=sv_fa3$gammas.table) vc_fa3 <- lucid::vc(fit_fa3) %>% rename(Gamma=effect) %>% mutate(Gamma=as.character(Gamma)) ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table12.html" width="100%" height="300!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ ### Percentage between genetic variance explained ```r sum_fa3 <- myf::summary.fa(fit_fa3) sum_fa3$gammas[[1]]$`site %vaf` ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table13.html" width="100%" height="200!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ```r sum_fa3$gammas[[1]]$`total %vaf` ``` ``` [1] 71.5777 ``` ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Between Environment Genetic Correlation ```r sum_fa3 <- myf::summary.fa(fit_fa3, heatmap.ord="cluster", g.list=c("G124", "G148", "G8", "G152", "G158", "G183")) sum_fa3$heatmaps$`fa(Trial, 3):Geno` ``` <!-- --> ]][.content.font_sm80[ * The trials are ordred by `agnes` clustering algorithm based on the estimated between environment genetic correlation matrix. ```r sum_fa3$gammas[[1]]$Cmat ``` <iframe src="html_extras/table14.html" width="100%" height="350!important" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Latent Regression Plots ```r sum_fa3$regplots$`fa(Trial, 3):Geno` ``` <!-- --> ]][.content[ ]] --- class: split-60 with-border .column[.content[ # Latent Regression Plots (`ggplot` style) <!-- --> ]][.content[ ```r sum_fa3 <- myf::summary.fa(fit_fa3 ``` To get the (regression) BLUP: ```r sum_fa3$blups[[1]]$blups.inmet ``` To get the (rotated) scores: ```r sum_fa3$blups[[1]]$scores.inmet ``` To get the rotated loadings: ```r sum_fa3$gammas[[1]]$`rotated loads` ``` ]] --- class: split-90 with-border .column[.content[ # Top 3 and Bottom 3 Genotypes <iframe src="plotly2.html" width="1000" height="550" scrolling="yes" seamless="seamless" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> ]][.content[ ]] --- class: split-70 with-border .column[.content[ # Raw Yield Mean vs. Regression BLUP <!-- --> ]][.content.font_sm80[ * Your selection decision would be very different if chosen by a simple average. * In theory, modelling approaches should allow to delineate other sources of variation and provide more accurate and meaningful result for the aim of selection. ]] --- class: split-two[.content.font_sm80[ # Key References * Smith et al. (2015) Factor analytic mixed models for the provision of grower information from national crop variety testing programs. *Theoretical and Applied Genetics* **128**(1) 55-72 * Cullis et al. (2014) Factor analytic and reduced animal models for the investigation of additive genotype-by-environment interaction in outcrossing plant species with application to a *Pinus radiata* breeding programme. *Theoretical and Applied Genetics* **127**(10) 2193-2210 * Mardia et al. (1995) Multivariate Analysis. Chapter 9. ]][.content[ # Notes * Remember: .center[ "All models are wrong but some are useful." <span style="float:right">-George Box</span> ] * Statistics can never compensate for poor experimental design or bad data. * Consulting with key experts (e.g. agronomists, trial managers, etc) if the model output makes sense. ]] --- class: split-40 title-slide2 with-border white background-image: url("images/bg3.jpg") background-size: cover .column[.content[ ]] .column.shade_main[.content[ <br><br> # <u>Slides</u> These slides were made using the R package [`xaringan`]( with the [`ninja-themes`]( and is available at [``]( # <u>Your Turn</u> <s>Download `day3-session02-FAmodel-tutorial.Rmd` here, open in RStudio, push the button "Run Document" on the top tab and work through the exercises.</s> For workshop participants, contact Emi for the tutorials. <br><br> ### <a rel='license' href=''><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:30pt' src='images/cc.svg' /><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:20pt' src='images/by.svg' /><img alt='Creative Commons License' style='border-width:0; width:20pt' src='images/sa.svg' /></a><span style='font-size:10pt'> This work by <span xmlns:cc='' property='cc:attributionName'>Emi Tanaka</span> is licensed under a <a rel='license' href=''>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</span> ]] <img src="images/USydLogo-white.svg" style="position:absolute; top:80%; left:80%;width:200px">