class: middle center hide-slide-number monash-bg-gray80[ These slides are viewed best by Chrome or Firefox and occasionally need to be refreshed if elements did not load properly. See <a href=lecture-06B.pdf>here for the PDF <i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i></a>. ] <br> .white[Press the **right arrow** to progress to the next slide!] --- class: title-slide count: false background-image: url("images/bg-01.png") # .monash-blue[ETC5521: Exploratory Data Analysis] <h1 class="monash-blue" style="font-size: 30pt!important;"></h1> <br> <h2 style="font-weight:900!important;">Making comparisons between groups and strata</h2> .bottom_abs.width100[ Lecturer: *Emi Tanaka* <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> <i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i> Week 6 - Session 2 <br> ] <style type="text/css"> .font20 { font-size: 20pt!important; } </style> --- class: transition middle # Modelling and testing for comparisons --- # Revisiting .orange[Case study][1] Pest resistance maize .flex[ .w-50[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[📊] <img src="images/week6B/pest-plot1-1.png" width="360" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .panel[.panel-name[data] .h200.scroll-sign.f5[ ```r data(, package = "agridat") df1 <- %>% pivot_longer(-gen, values_to = "abundance", names_to = "species") %>% mutate(species = case_when(species=="thysan" ~ "Thrip", TRUE ~ "Spider")) skimr::skim(df1) ``` ``` ## ── Data Summary ──────────────────────── ## Values ## Name df1 ## Number of rows 32 ## Number of columns 3 ## _______________________ ## Column type frequency: ## character 1 ## factor 1 ## numeric 1 ## ________________________ ## Group variables None ## ## ── Variable type: character ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace ## 1 species 0 1 5 6 0 2 0 ## ## ── Variable type: factor ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts ## 1 gen 0 1 FALSE 2 Bt: 16, ISO: 16 ## ## ── Variable type: numeric ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist ## 1 abundance 0 1 6.01 6.36 0 0.6 2.5 10.7 18.4 ▇▂▃▁▂ ``` ]] .panel[.panel-name[R] .f5[ ```r ggplot(df1, aes(gen, abundance, color = gen)) + ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom(size = 3) + facet_wrap(~species, scales = "free") + scale_color_discrete_qualitative() + guides(color = FALSE) + labs(x = "", y = "Abundance") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1)) ``` ]] ] ] .w-50[ * The experiment compared abundance of spiders and thrips on *Bt* variety to the abundance of those on isogenic control variety. {{content}} ] ] -- * Would you say that the abundance of spiders and/or thrips are comparable between *Bt* variety and isogenic variety? --- # Two-sample parametric tests: `\(t\)`-test .flex[[ * Assumes the two samples are independent and from the `\(N(\mu_x, \sigma^2_x)\)` and `\(N(\mu_y, \sigma^2_y)\)`, respectively. `$$H_0: \mu_x - \mu_y = 0~\text{ vs. }~H_1: \mu_x - \mu_y \neq 0$$` `$$T^* = \frac{\bar{X} - \bar{Y}}{SE(\bar{X} - \bar{Y})}.$$` * Assuming `\(\sigma^2_x = \sigma^2_y\)`, then `\(T^* \sim t_{n_x + n_y - 2}.\)` * A `\(100(1 - \alpha)\%\)` confidence interval for `\(\mu_x - \mu_y\)` is given as `\((L, U)\)` such that: `$$P(L<\mu_x - \mu_y < U) = 1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}.$$` * If `\(0 \in (L, U)\)`, consistent with `\(H_0\)`. ] .w-50[ .f4[ ```r with(, t.test(thysan[gen=="ISO"], thysan[gen=="Bt"], alternative = "two.sided", var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)) ``` ``` ## ## Two Sample t-test ## ## data: thysan[gen == "ISO"] and thysan[gen == "Bt"] ## t = -3.2182, df = 14, p-value = 0.006192 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -9.248813 -1.851187 ## sample estimates: ## mean of x mean of y ## 8.725 14.275 ``` ]] ] ] .footnote.f6[ Note significance test suggested is different in Achim Gathmann et al. (2006) “Impact of Bt Maize Pollen (MON810) on Lepidopteran Larvae Living on Accompanying Weeds.” Molecular Ecology 15: 2677–85. ] --- # Confidence interval for two sample difference .grid[ .item[ <center> <img src="images/confidence-interval.gif" width="400px"/> </center> ] .item[ * In the right, a 95% confidence interval for population mean difference is constructed repeatedly, assuming population mean difference is Normally distributed, from 100 samples of the same population. * The population mean is zero. * Each confidence interval is calculated as `$$\bar{X} - \bar{Y} \pm \color{red}{t_{n-2, 0.975}}\times SE(\bar{X} - \bar{Y})$$` where `\(t_{n-2, 0.975}\)` is `\(t^*\)` such that `$$P(t_{n-2} < t^*) = 0.975.$$` ] ] --- # Two sample non-parametric tests .flex[[ ### Wilcoxon rank-sum test * Suppose that `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` are randomly selected values from two populations. `$$H_0: P(X > Y) = P(X < Y)$$` .center[ vs. ] `$$H_1: P(X>Y)\neq P(X<Y)$$` * All observations are ranked. * Test statistic is based on the sum of the ranks of one group. ] .w-50[ .f4[ ```r with(, wilcox.test(thysan[gen=="ISO"], thysan[gen=="Bt"], alternative = "two.sided", = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95)) ``` ``` ## ## Wilcoxon rank sum exact test ## ## data: thysan[gen == "ISO"] and thysan[gen == "Bt"] ## W = 7, p-value = 0.006993 ## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -9.4 -2.4 ## sample estimates: ## difference in location ## -6.3 ``` ]] ] --- # Equivalence of tests to testing model parameters .flex[[ .f5[ ``` ## gen thysan aranei ## 1 Bt 16.6 0.80 ## 2 Bt 16.4 0.80 ## 3 Bt 11.0 0.60 ## 4 Bt 16.8 0.40 ## 5 Bt 10.6 0.60 ## 6 Bt 18.4 0.80 ## 7 Bt 14.2 0.00 ## 8 Bt 10.2 0.60 ## 9 ISO 6.2 0.75 ## 10 ISO 10.0 0.20 ## 11 ISO 11.8 1.00 ## 12 ISO 15.6 0.80 ## 13 ISO 7.6 0.00 ## 14 ISO 7.4 0.00 ## 15 ISO 7.2 0.60 ## 16 ISO 4.0 0.40 ``` ]] .w-70.pl3[ `$$\texttt{thysan}_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1\mathbb{I}(\texttt{gen}_i=\texttt{ISO}) + e_i$$` where `\(e_i \sim NID(0, \sigma^2)\)`. * The least squares estimate for `\(\hat{\beta}_1 = \bar{X} - \bar{Y}.\)` ```r lm(thysan ~ gen, data = %>% confint("genISO", level = 0.95) ``` ``` ## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## genISO -9.248813 -1.851187 ``` {{content}} ] ] -- * Notice that the above confidence interval is the same confidence interval from the `\(t\)`-test! --- # Revisiting .orange[Case study][4] Weight gain of calves .font_small[Part 1/3] * 67 calves born in 1975 across 11 herds are fed of one of three diets with low, medium or high energy with their initial and final weights recorded. .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[📊] <img src="images/week6B/diet-plot2-1.png" width="1008" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .panel[.panel-name[data] .h100.scroll-sign.f4[ ```r data(urquhart.feedlot, package = "agridat") df4 <- urquhart.feedlot %>% pivot_longer(c(weight1, weight2), names_to = "when", values_to = "weight") %>% mutate(when = factor(as.character(when), labels = c("initial", "final"), levels = c("weight1", "weight2")), diet = factor(diet, levels = c("High", "Medium", "Low"))) skimr::skim(df4) ``` ``` ## ── Data Summary ──────────────────────── ## Values ## Name df4 ## Number of rows 134 ## Number of columns 5 ## _______________________ ## Column type frequency: ## factor 2 ## numeric 3 ## ________________________ ## Group variables None ## ## ── Variable type: factor ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts ## 1 diet 0 1 FALSE 3 Low: 64, Med: 46, Hig: 24 ## 2 when 0 1 FALSE 2 ini: 67, fin: 67 ## ## ── Variable type: numeric ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist ## 1 animal 0 1 34 19.4 1 17.2 34 50.8 67 ▇▇▇▇▇ ## 2 herd 0 1 25.6 10.7 3 19 31 34 36 ▂▁▂▂▇ ## 3 weight 0 1 863. 182. 530 705 842. 1027 1248 ▃▇▃▆▃ ``` ]] .panel[.panel-name[R] ```r ggplot(df4, aes(when, weight, color = diet, group = animal)) + geom_point(size = 3) + facet_wrap(~herd, nrow = 2) + geom_line() + labs(x = "", y = "Weight", color = "Diet") ``` ] ] --- # Revisiting .orange[Case study][4] Weight gain of calves .font_small[Part 2/3] .flex[[ * Modelling the response as weight gain with diet factor: .f4[ ```r coef(lm((weight2 - weight1) ~ diet, data = urquhart.feedlot)) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) dietLow dietMedium ## 332.666667 -4.666667 -33.971014 ``` ] * The herd is thought to be an important factor contributing to the response. * Modelling the response as weight gain with diet and herd factor: .f4[ ```r # herd needs to be factor not integer dat4 <- mutate(urquhart.feedlot, herdf = factor(herd)) coef(lm((weight2 - weight1) ~ herdf + diet, data = dat4)) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) herdf9 herdf16 herdf19 herdf24 herdf31 herdf32 herdf33 herdf34 herdf35 herdf36 dietLow dietMedium ## 354.257353 -91.148529 -51.312039 7.410059 -63.221311 -4.666667 -51.189338 -36.083555 -15.179622 -3.423367 -34.974083 2.872233 -23.580408 ``` ] ] .w-50.pl3[ * Last model is the same as modelling the final weight with the initial weight as a covariate with slope fixed to 1: .f4[ ```r coef(lm(weight2 ~ offset(weight1) + herdf + diet, data = dat4)) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) herdf9 herdf16 herdf19 herdf24 herdf31 herdf32 herdf33 herdf34 herdf35 herdf36 dietLow dietMedium ## 354.257353 -91.148529 -51.312039 7.410059 -63.221311 -4.666667 -51.189338 -36.083555 -15.179622 -3.423367 -34.974083 2.872233 -23.580408 ``` ] * Estimating slope for initial weight from the data: .f4[ ```r coef(lm(weight2 ~ weight1 + herdf + diet, data = dat4)) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) weight1 herdf9 herdf16 herdf19 herdf24 herdf31 herdf32 herdf33 herdf34 herdf35 herdf36 dietLow dietMedium ## 200.440174 1.243238 -79.102111 -51.238137 -6.864643 -75.406093 -33.044411 -56.517848 -62.152563 -23.610465 -29.219641 -75.555713 1.212633 -30.912720 ``` ]] ] --- # Revisiting .orange[Case study][4] Weight gain of calves .font_small[Part 3/3] .f4[ ```r dat4 <- lm(weight2 ~ weight1 + herdf + diet, data = dat4) %>% broom::augment() ggplot(dat4, aes(.fitted, .resid)) + geom_point(data = select(dat4, -herdf), size = 2, color = "gray") + geom_point(size = 2, aes(color = herdf)) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + labs(x = "Fitted values", y = "Residual") + scale_color_discrete_qualitative() + facet_wrap(~herdf, nrow = 2) + guides(color = FALSE) ``` <img src="images/week6B/fit-semi-final-1.png" width="1080" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # .orange[Case study][10] Soil nitrogen .font_small[Part 1/3] .flex[.w-50[ .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[📊] <img src="images/week6B/soil-plot1-1.png" width="576" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .panel[.panel-name[data] .h400.scroll-sign.f5[ ```r data(gomez.nitrogen, package = "agridat") skimr::skim(gomez.nitrogen) ``` ``` ## ── Data Summary ──────────────────────── ## Values ## Name gomez.nitrogen ## Number of rows 96 ## Number of columns 4 ## _______________________ ## Column type frequency: ## factor 3 ## numeric 1 ## ________________________ ## Group variables None ## ## ── Variable type: factor ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts ## 1 trt 0 1 FALSE 8 T1: 12, T2: 12, T3: 12, T4: 12 ## 2 rep 0 1 FALSE 4 R1: 24, R2: 24, R3: 24, R4: 24 ## 3 stage 0 1 FALSE 3 P1: 32, P2: 32, P3: 32 ## ## ── Variable type: numeric ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist ## 1 nitro 0 1 2.24 0.796 1.11 1.46 2.21 2.93 3.84 ▇▅▅▅▃ ``` ] ] .panel[.panel-name[R] .f5[ ```r ggplot(gomez.nitrogen, aes(trt, nitro, color = stage)) + geom_point(size = 3) + scale_color_discrete_qualitative() + labs(x = "Fertilizer treatment", y = "Soil nitrogen content (%)", color = "Growth stage") ``` ]] ] ] .w-50[ * Soil nitrogen content with 8 different fertilizer treatment is measured at 3 growth stage: * P1 = 15 days post transplanting * P2 = 40 days post transplanting * P3 = panicle initiation {{content}} ] ] -- * Clearly the growth stage affects the soil nitrogen content but this makes it hard to compare the fertilizer treatments. {{content}} -- * Let's model the nitrogen content as: ```r lm(nitro ~ stage + trt, data = gomez.nitrogen) ``` --- # .orange[Case study][10] Soil nitrogen .font_small[Part 2/3] .flex[[ * Considering just the stage effect: .f5[ ```r fit1 <- lm(nitro ~ stage, data = gomez.nitrogen) fit1data <- broom::augment(fit1) %>% left_join(gomez.nitrogen, by=c("nitro", "stage")) %>% mutate(trt = fct_reorder(trt, .resid)) ggplot(fit1data, aes(trt, .resid)) + geom_boxplot() + labs(x = "Fertilizer treatment", y = "Residual of fit1") ``` <img src="images/week6B/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ]] .w-50.pl3[ .f5[ {{content}} ]] ] -- * Here we expect no pattern: ```r fit2 <- lm(nitro ~ stage + trt, data = gomez.nitrogen) fit2data <- broom::augment(fit2) %>% mutate(trt = fct_reorder(trt, .resid)) ggplot(fit2data, aes(trt, .resid)) + geom_boxplot() + labs(x = "Fertilizer treatment", y = "Residual of fit2") ``` <img src="images/week6B/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # .orange[Case study][10] Soil nitrogen .font_small[Part 3/3] .flex[ .w-50[ .h400.scroll-sign.f5[ ```r library(emmeans) confint(pairs(emmeans(fit2, "trt"), adjust="none")) ``` ``` ## contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL ## T1 - T2 -0.2117 0.116 86 -0.4420 0.018654 ## T1 - T3 -0.3375 0.116 86 -0.5678 -0.107180 ## T1 - T4 -0.2308 0.116 86 -0.4612 -0.000513 ## T1 - T5 -0.0717 0.116 86 -0.3020 0.158654 ## T1 - T6 -0.1492 0.116 86 -0.3795 0.081154 ## T1 - T7 -0.3592 0.116 86 -0.5895 -0.128846 ## T1 - T8 -0.2333 0.116 86 -0.4637 -0.003013 ## T2 - T3 -0.1258 0.116 86 -0.3562 0.104487 ## T2 - T4 -0.0192 0.116 86 -0.2495 0.211154 ## T2 - T5 0.1400 0.116 86 -0.0903 0.370320 ## T2 - T6 0.0625 0.116 86 -0.1678 0.292820 ## T2 - T7 -0.1475 0.116 86 -0.3778 0.082820 ## T2 - T8 -0.0217 0.116 86 -0.2520 0.208654 ## T3 - T4 0.1067 0.116 86 -0.1237 0.336987 ## T3 - T5 0.2658 0.116 86 0.0355 0.496154 ## T3 - T6 0.1883 0.116 86 -0.0420 0.418654 ## T3 - T7 -0.0217 0.116 86 -0.2520 0.208654 ## T3 - T8 0.1042 0.116 86 -0.1262 0.334487 ## T4 - T5 0.1592 0.116 86 -0.0712 0.389487 ## T4 - T6 0.0817 0.116 86 -0.1487 0.311987 ## T4 - T7 -0.1283 0.116 86 -0.3587 0.101987 ## T4 - T8 -0.0025 0.116 86 -0.2328 0.227820 ## T5 - T6 -0.0775 0.116 86 -0.3078 0.152820 ## T5 - T7 -0.2875 0.116 86 -0.5178 -0.057180 ## T5 - T8 -0.1617 0.116 86 -0.3920 0.068654 ## T6 - T7 -0.2100 0.116 86 -0.4403 0.020320 ## T6 - T8 -0.0842 0.116 86 -0.3145 0.146154 ## T7 - T8 0.1258 0.116 86 -0.1045 0.356154 ## ## Results are averaged over the levels of: stage ## Confidence level used: 0.95 ``` ] ] .w-50.f4[ <img src="images/week6B/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="576" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * From above, the 6 pairs of treatments: T3 & T5, T1 & T4, T1 & T8, T6 & T7, T1 & T3, T1 & T7 are significantly different. * These confidence intervals are constructed *without taking any regard for others*. ] ] --- # Controlling the family-wise error rate .flex[[ **Unadjusted** * Each interval has been constructed using a procedure so that when the model is correct, the probability that the "correct" population contrast is covered is 0.95. . . individually. `$$\bar{X} - \bar{Y} \pm \color{red}{t_{n-t,1 - \alpha/2}}\times SE(\bar{X} - \bar{Y})$$` where `\(\alpha = 0.05\)` and `\(t\)` is the number of treatments. * But, what is the probability that all intervals cover their corresponding true values simultaneously? ] .w-50.pl3[ **Bonferonni adjustment** * We can adjust the individual `\(100(1-\alpha)\%\)` confidence intervals so `$$\bar{X} - \bar{Y} \pm \color{red}{t_{n-t,1 - \alpha/(2m)}}\times SE(\bar{X} - \bar{Y})$$` where `\(m\)` is the number of pairwise comparisons. * So for 8 treatments, the number of pairwise comparisons is ```r choose(8, 2) ``` ``` ## [1] 28 ``` ] ] --- # Bonferonni adjusted confidence interval .flex[ .w-50[ .h400.scroll-sign.f5[ ```r confint(pairs(emmeans(fit2, "trt"), adjust="bonferroni")) ``` ``` ## contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL ## T1 - T2 -0.2117 0.116 86 -0.585 0.1619 ## T1 - T3 -0.3375 0.116 86 -0.711 0.0361 ## T1 - T4 -0.2308 0.116 86 -0.604 0.1427 ## T1 - T5 -0.0717 0.116 86 -0.445 0.3019 ## T1 - T6 -0.1492 0.116 86 -0.523 0.2244 ## T1 - T7 -0.3592 0.116 86 -0.733 0.0144 ## T1 - T8 -0.2333 0.116 86 -0.607 0.1402 ## T2 - T3 -0.1258 0.116 86 -0.499 0.2477 ## T2 - T4 -0.0192 0.116 86 -0.393 0.3544 ## T2 - T5 0.1400 0.116 86 -0.234 0.5136 ## T2 - T6 0.0625 0.116 86 -0.311 0.4361 ## T2 - T7 -0.1475 0.116 86 -0.521 0.2261 ## T2 - T8 -0.0217 0.116 86 -0.395 0.3519 ## T3 - T4 0.1067 0.116 86 -0.267 0.4802 ## T3 - T5 0.2658 0.116 86 -0.108 0.6394 ## T3 - T6 0.1883 0.116 86 -0.185 0.5619 ## T3 - T7 -0.0217 0.116 86 -0.395 0.3519 ## T3 - T8 0.1042 0.116 86 -0.269 0.4777 ## T4 - T5 0.1592 0.116 86 -0.214 0.5327 ## T4 - T6 0.0817 0.116 86 -0.292 0.4552 ## T4 - T7 -0.1283 0.116 86 -0.502 0.2452 ## T4 - T8 -0.0025 0.116 86 -0.376 0.3711 ## T5 - T6 -0.0775 0.116 86 -0.451 0.2961 ## T5 - T7 -0.2875 0.116 86 -0.661 0.0861 ## T5 - T8 -0.1617 0.116 86 -0.535 0.2119 ## T6 - T7 -0.2100 0.116 86 -0.584 0.1636 ## T6 - T8 -0.0842 0.116 86 -0.458 0.2894 ## T7 - T8 0.1258 0.116 86 -0.248 0.4994 ## ## Results are averaged over the levels of: stage ## Confidence level used: 0.95 ## Conf-level adjustment: bonferroni method for 28 estimates ``` ] ] .w-50[ .f5[ <img src="images/week6B/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" width="576" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] * Now none are significantly different. * Note: Bonferroni adjustment is quite conservative. ] ] --- # .blue[Example][1] Mystery data .font_small[Part 1/2] * Many inferences, e.g. using confidence intervals or `\(p\)`-values, are based on assumptions being met. * From the model fit below can we suggest the following model? `$$\hat{Y} = -0.002 + 0.979x_1 + 0.998x_2 + 0.973x_3 + 0.995x_4$$` .flex[.w-50[ <img src="images/week6B/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .w-50.pl3.f5[ ```r lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data=mystery_data) %>% broom::tidy() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 × 5 ## term estimate std.error statistic p.value ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 (Intercept) -0.00204 0.0109 -0.187 0.852 ## 2 x1 0.979 0.0151 64.8 0 ## 3 x2 0.998 0.0155 64.4 0 ## 4 x3 0.973 0.0154 63.1 0 ## 5 x4 0.995 0.0109 91.6 0 ``` ] ] --- # .blue[Example][1] Mystery data .font_small[Part 2/2] .flex[.w-50[ ```r lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data=mystery_data) %>% broom::augment() %>% ggplot(aes(.fitted, .resid)) + geom_point() + labs(x="Fitted Values", y="Residual") ``` <img src="images/week6B/simpson-fit-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .w-50.pl3[ <br><br><br> ## Moral of the story: ### Don't forget to check model diagnostics. ] ] --- background-size: cover class: title-slide background-image: url("images/bg-01.png") <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>. .bottom_abs.width100[ Lecturer: *Emi Tanaka* <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> <i class="fas fa-calendar-alt"></i> Week 6 - Session 2 <br> ]