Lecturer: Emi Tanaka
Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Data visualization is part art and part science. The challenge is to get the art right without getting the science wrong and vice versa.
– Claus O. Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Effective data visualisation means to design your data plot to effectively use human visual system to improve cognition about a targeted information from the data.
Birth place | Count | % |
Australia | 17,020,422 | 66.9 |
Not Stated | 1,358,658 | 5.3 |
England | 927,490 | 3.6 |
Other | 759,173 | 3.0 |
India | 673,352 | 2.6 |
China | 549,618 | 2.2 |
New Zealand | 530,492 | 2.1 |
Philippines | 293,892 | 1.2 |
Vietnam | 257,997 | 1.0 |
South Africa | 189,207 | 0.7 |
Malaysia | 165,616 | 0.7 |
Italy | 163,326 | 0.6 |
Sri Lanka | 131,904 | 0.5 |
Nepal | 122,506 | 0.5 |
Scotland | 118,496 | 0.5 |
Korea South | 102,092 | 0.4 |
United States America | 101,309 | 0.4 |
Germany | 101,255 | 0.4 |
Hong Kong | 100,148 | 0.4 |
Iraq | 92,922 | 0.4 |
Greece | 92,314 | 0.4 |
Pakistan | 89,633 | 0.4 |
Lebanon | 87,340 | 0.3 |
Indonesia | 87,075 | 0.3 |
Thailand | 83,779 | 0.3 |
Ireland | 80,927 | 0.3 |
Iran | 70,899 | 0.3 |
Fiji | 68,947 | 0.3 |
Netherlands | 66,481 | 0.3 |
Singapore | 61,056 | 0.2 |
Afghanistan | 59,797 | 0.2 |
Bangladesh | 51,491 | 0.2 |
Canada | 50,223 | 0.2 |
Taiwan | 49,511 | 0.2 |
Brazil | 46,720 | 0.2 |
Poland | 45,884 | 0.2 |
Japan | 45,267 | 0.2 |
Croatia | 43,302 | 0.2 |
Egypt | 43,213 | 0.2 |
North Macedonia | 41,786 | 0.2 |
Zimbabwe | 39,714 | 0.2 |
Myanmar | 39,171 | 0.2 |
Cambodia | 39,043 | 0.2 |
Turkey | 38,568 | 0.2 |
France | 36,019 | 0.1 |
Malta | 35,413 | 0.1 |
Papua New Guinea | 29,984 | 0.1 |
Chile | 29,860 | 0.1 |
Wales | 29,250 | 0.1 |
Samoa | 28,107 | 0.1 |
Bosnia Herzegov | 26,171 | 0.1 |
Mauritius | 25,981 | 0.1 |
Which birth place is the third largest among people in Australia?
Can you read the labels without tilting your head?
What’s the data story?
The text on the bar shows the percentage out of 25,422,788 Australian residents born in that place.
There were 5.3% of Australian residents who did not state their birth place.
The top country of birth place is Australia with 66.9% of Australian residents born in Australia.
Story from The Guardian.
Data Story
India has overtaken China and New Zealand to become the third largest country of birth for Australian residents, 2021 census data has found.
Birth place | Count | % | Census Year |
England | 907,570 | 3.9 | 2016 |
New Zealand | 518,466 | 2.2 | 2016 |
China | 509,555 | 2.2 | 2016 |
India | 455,389 | 1.9 | 2016 |
Philippines | 232,386 | 1.0 | 2016 |
England | 927,490 | 3.6 | 2021 |
India | 673,352 | 2.6 | 2021 |
China | 549,618 | 2.2 | 2021 |
New Zealand | 530,492 | 2.1 | 2021 |
Philippines | 293,892 | 1.2 | 2021 |
Does this show that India overtook China and New Zealand?
Should we show percentage instead of counts?
The legend and the line order is different…
Maybe we can put the labels directly in the plot?
Pie charts are a very bad way of displaying information. The eye is good at judging linear measures and bad at judging relative areas. A bar chart or dot chart is a preferable way of displaying this type of data.
Of the 10 elementary perception tasks, Cleveland & McGill (1984) found the accuracy ranked as follows…
Can you tell which birth place have more women than men amongst the Australian residents?
Data story
Census 2021 shows far more women born in Phillipines and China migrate to Australia than men born in their respective countries, whilst more men born in India migrate to Australia than women born in India.
Notice that the countries are colored by their continent (Europe, Asia, and Oceania).
Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke (2019). colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes. arXiv 1903.06490
Zeileis, Hornik, Murrell (2009). Escaping RGBland: Selecting Colors for Statistical Graphics. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53(9) 3259-3270
Colorblindness affect roughly 1 in 8 men.
Check your color choices using the colorblindr
package or otherwise.
ETC5523 Week 6