Ask A Manager Salary Survey 2021
A data.frame with 28,083 rows and 18 columns
- timestamp
The timestampe of response.
- age
Age cateogry. "How old are you?"
- industry
Categorical but respondents can enter text for Other. "What industry do you work in?"
- job_title
Text entry. "Job title"
- job_title_context
Text entry. "If your job title needs additional context, please clarify here:"
- salary_annual
Text entry. "What is your annual salary? (You'll indicate the currency in a later question. If you are part-time or hourly, please enter an annualized equivalent -- what you would earn if you worked the job 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year.)"
- salarly_additional
Text entry. "How much additional monetary compensation do you get, if any (for example, bonuses or overtime in an average year)? Please only include monetary compensation here, not the value of benefits."
- currency
Categorical entry. "Please indicate the currency"
- currency_other
Text entry. "If "Other," please indicate the currency here:"
- salary_context
Text entry. "If your income needs additional context, please provide it here:"
- country
Text entry. "What country do you work in?"
- state
Categorical entry. "If you're in the U.S., what state do you work in?"
- city
Text entry. "What city do you work in?"
- experience_overall
Categorical entry. "How many years of professional work experience do you have overall?"
- experience_in_field
Categorical entry. "How many years of professional work experience do you have in your field?"
- education
Categorical entry."What is your highest level of education completed?"
- gender
Categorical entry. "What is your gender?"
- race
Multiselect entry. "What is your race? (Choose all that apply.)"