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This function reorders the levels of a factor based on the sentiment scores of the levels. Using this function can be expensive (depending on the LLM used and user's computer spec) so users may wish to use this interactively only and copy the output into their script.


sai_lvl_order(.f, copy = FALSE, ...)




A character vector that is assumed to be an ordinal factor.


A logical value to indicate whether the output should be copied into the user's clipboard.


# to get the new level order
# users should check if the new order
#> [1] "Strongly Disagree" "Disagree"          "Somewhat Disagree"
#> [4] "Neutral"           "Somewhat Agree"    "Agree"            
#> [7] "Strongly Agree"   
# `copy = TRUE` copies the output into clipboard in a format that can be
# entered easiliy in the user's script
sai_lvl_order(likerts$likert1, copy = TRUE)
#> [1] "Strongly Disagree" "Disagree"          "Somewhat Disagree"
#> [4] "Neutral"           "Somewhat Agree"    "Agree"            
#> [7] "Strongly Agree"   
# to apply the new levels directly to the input
#>  [1] Strongly Disagree Neutral           Strongly Agree    Strongly Disagree
#>  [5] Disagree          Somewhat Agree    Strongly Agree    Somewhat Disagree
#>  [9] Agree             Disagree          Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree
#> [13] Strongly Disagree Somewhat Agree    Somewhat Agree    Disagree         
#> [17] Agree             Agree             Disagree          Strongly Agree   
#> [21] Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree    Somewhat Agree    Somewhat Agree   
#> [25] Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree             Somewhat Agree   
#> [29] Somewhat Agree    Disagree          Disagree          Agree            
#> [33] Strongly Disagree Neutral           Strongly Agree    Strongly Disagree
#> [37] Neutral           Somewhat Disagree Agree             Disagree         
#> 7 Levels: Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree ... Strongly Agree